A clinic for medical first aid in Bogor / Indonesia

A Pocket Clinic is a concept developed by the architectural office Nickl & Partner for providing medical first aid in more secluded parts of Indonesia. This bachelor thesis was done in partnership with the office to gather design ideas for the currently in development prototype in Bogor, near Jakarta, Indonesia. Simple brick construction with an offset roof allows for passive cooling through crosswinds. The clinic is divided into 3 Parts. The public sector with possibilities to provide food to family and staff, the day-clinic with spaces for doctors and patients and lastly the “core-unit” to allow for more complex medical interventions and help for childbirth. The necessary clean/dirty spaces are provided. Structural consulting was provided by Leonhardt, Andrä & Partner. Climate consulting was provided by Transsolar.

BACHELORTHESISLeonard Zweck / Jasmina Brüschke